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"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi

Welcome to Shoreview North Oaks Animal Hospital

We are happy to welcome new patients into our full-service veterinary practice.


Dr. Emilee and our devoted care-team stay on top of the latest diagnostics, treatments, and wellness programs to maintain your pet’s health {and happiness}.

We look forward to meeting you and your pets!

When you come to visit us, we want to do everything we can to provide your pet with the help they need. You can help us by knowing your pet's medical history, medications, and other vital information. 

Please complete our new patient form and call us {651-255-0071} to schedule your first appointment.

Our goal is to see all of our patients on time. Although we have contingencies for emergencies, there will be times where the unexpected will create delays. We will ensure these are minimized as much as possible.

New Patient Form

New Patient Form

Has your pet been treated for any illness in the past year?

If you prefer, you can print the form and bring it with you to your first appointment

If you have additional pets in your household, please fill out this form for each pet.

Thank You!

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